


Career & Management Mentor


“A person who never made a mistake never tried anything new“. Albert Einstein.

And mistakes, I’ve made a lot. Mostly because since my early days in an NGO I had to lead teams. During the first part of my career, I was trusted to lead projects, develop teams, manage clients, and pilot companies all over Europe. Without any user manual, nor real role-models, I always did my best, without calculating and giving it my all. When the 2008 crisis occurred, I had to manage lack, losses, betrayals and failure. Finally, I saw almost everyone I had loved working with leave, and I realized there were crucial things I was doing wrong and things I did not even know how to do. I decided to learn, then. And to achieve my education I had to transmit and transcend.

Those were the intent which led me to create AC Mentoring. Today I don’t manage any longer, I contribute. And I support. Those who want to change: their careers, the way they lead, their organization, the world even for some of them… All these individuals I meet who work on their development, performance, adaptation and try to challenge the status quo inspire me and motivate me to learn some more.

#empowerment #change #inspiration

Cyril OGÉE

Management Mentor & Responsive Organizations Coach

portrait de Cyril Ogée, coach et mentor chez AC Mentoing

Mediator, coach and mentor for more agile organizations, I joined the team in 2017 after a 25-year career in various international companies. As operational manager and Business Units Director, my results have always been those of a team. My role: to support team members by giving them the means to succeed, by creating an explicit and evolving relational and organizational framework and, above all, by allowing a great deal of autonomy, according to the empowering principle of “it’s the doer who knows”. For me to be happy, I need a world with more harmony: rich interactions and a better understanding of oneself. I feel that throughout my career, I have always been committed to helping clients, partners, shareholders or colleagues to develop and flourish. This is why I still help people align what they do with who they are, in a constant search for a sense of accomplishment. My main values are optimism, joie de vivre, the desire to learn and mutual aid. A quote from Antoine de Saint Exupéry guides me every day:

The future is not about predicting it, but about making it possible“.

#Harmony #Facilitator #Listening


Dominika LA CROIX

Senior Executive Search & Outplacement Consultant

Dominika La Croix has over 14 years of experience in Executive Search and HR advisory services. She has been working as a Manager and Consultant since 2005 first in her previous French executive search company and from July 1st, 2018 in Assertive Career Mentoring Poland.
Before joining HR Consultancy companies, she was employed on Sales & Marketing positions within different sectors.
Dominika specializes in executive search and recruitments of top and middle managerial positions as well as outplacements programs and assessment/ development center projects.

Magdalena NIEĆ

Senior Executive Search Consultant, Business Coach & Trainer

Magdalena has over 17 years of professional experience in HR Advisory and general management. She delivered several hundreds of recruitment projects from middle to top managerial positions both in Poland and in the CEE Region. She is a certified user of various psychometric tools.
From 2007 to 2013 she realized a number of trainings delivered for a European Union Operational Program for Poland called “Human Capital”. For 9 years she has successfully managed the Polish subsidiary of a French Executive Search group.
She is now managing Assertive Career Mentoring in Poland.
She works in English, Polish and French.


Frédéric BLANC

Career and management mentor


I started my career in a start-up founded by experienced managers. This has forged my entire career and passion: creating and developing new activities,with a team. Various experiences during my career, led me to manage people spread over various continents. Create, develop, transform, change, train and help others in these evolutions, this is what created my strong leadership. For many years, this experience has been used by transitioning executives and entrepreneurs. The experience of a fast-growing start-up and then working at the Head-quarter of an industrial group give me a tremendous asset in helping and understanding managers in many different contexts. Graduated from an engineering school in Germany with additional sales & marketing training (including HEC Paris) and management, I managed product marketing, partnerships and teams in the IT field for 10 years. Then I created and developed new activities at the global level in the industry – capital goods business, but also reorganized the Swiss subsidiary. A professional journey putting into practice my passion for people, leadership and entrepreneurship, as we do within AC Mentoring to help people and companies to define the next steps and to achieve it.

#leadership #curiosity #entrepreneurship

The team



Executive Coach & Advisor


With an engineering background, I spent the first thirty years of my professional life in the automotive industry, first in project management and product development and then as manager of production units and subsidiaries of equipment manufacturers. During these thirty years I have accumulated a certain amount of knowledge concerning organisation and team management, both in functional and hierarchical terms. When I joined the AC Mentoring team in 2013, I had and still have the desire to share my positive and negative experiences with individuals and/or organisations. One of my favourite sayings is:

Doubt is the beginning of wisdom“.

#Grumpy #Organised #Direct


Professional Development Coach & Outplacement Consultant

Danièle is AC Mentoring’s expert in collective outplacement. She leads all our projects of collective outplacement, coordinating all the actions and resources useful for a successful, sustainable and most of all humane completion of the programs.
As a coach specializing in career guidance and career mobility, Danièle follows individuals in these change processes individually and works more specifically on assessments, skills assessments and the development of promising career projects such as business creation or new orientation. Psychologist, she knows how to coach people smoothly, with benevolence and taking time to address people fears and anguish. She also assists HR managers in legal procedures and negotiations with staff representatives and unions.

Marie-Aude LAGACHE

Professional Mediator, Interpersonal Relationship Trainer & Coach


Mediator and mentor at AC Mentoring since 2019, I previously achieved a professional career in different companies in business functions. I was graduated as professional mediatior in 2018 to help people to communicate differently and imagine the unimaginable in complex relational situations. Today I coach people in companies to know themselves better in order to interact differently with their environment, to gain leadership and confidence and to manage according to their nature, involving collaborators more. I do this so that people are aligned between who they are and what they do. I love to discover new things, to learn, to explore the world. My motto is:

I never lose, either I win or I learn” by Nelson Mandela.

This quote, which values the virtues of failure, allows me to bring out the positive in all situations and to move forward. The most important values to work with joy are the freedom to express oneself, to choose, to feel; the good mood, to work in joy and positivity.

#sensitive #RelationalQuality #curious


Digital Transformation Consultant


During my 25-year career in the health industries, I have developed an expertise around 5 areas of expertise : Finance, Customer Relations, Supply Chain, Crisis management (PCA, pandemic plans) and Management, in companies of international dimensions. Today, I want to give back what I have been given, because what I have learned or done, I have learned from others and done with others. This is why, since 2019, I have been supporting business professionals using the mentoring method, based above all on guidance and the sharing of experience and knowledge. My levers are the development of people and team dynamics, in order to combine well-being at work, competence and performance. Sharing in order to progress and help progress is the objective of my action within AC MENTORING. My favorite quote:

May the strength be given to me to endure what cannot be changed and the courage to change what can be changed, but also the wisdom to distinguish one from the other” (Marc Aurèle).

#learn #understand #transmit

Ewa Gallou

Consultant and trainer in intercultural management and communication


I am deeply concerned with the ability of an organization to enhance or undermine the potential of individuals. This pushes me to explore solutions which can optimize a team’s performance. I use my field experience as a sales executive enriched by academic expertise in intercultural issues to offer you distanced and pragmatic insights into your intercultural management challenges. I am convinced that knowledge cannot be decreed but is shared and co-constructed, I base my consulting and training approach on inductive and interactionist modes. My motto :

Alone we go faster, together we go further” African proverb.

#diversity #inclusiveness #collectiveintelligence

Patricia Rouot

Consultant in organizational management and coach in applied neuroscience


I am deeply humanist and have always been looking for the best way to help people achieve their life ideals. I was an Executive Assistant specialising in HR for 10 years before starting my own business in the field of business consulting: process optimisation, proximity management and digitalisation of organisations. As a mother of 3 children, I deluded my potential as a superhero. I committed my heart, body and soul to all areas of my life until I burnt out. The good news is that it is by failing that we grow. I adjusted my posture by training in coaching, with an approach based on neuroscience, and joined the AC Mentoring collective in 2020 in which I found the values of benevolence, constant learning and commitment that are essential to me. Our shared vision of the agile way of working allows us to collectively transform organisations. My favourite quote:

The real journey is not to seek new landscapes, but to have new eyes“. Marcel Proust.

#listening #understanding #empathy

Isabelle BUCHY

Effective management of internal & external resources Mentor

For 20 years within the Telco and IS sectors, as a purchase manager Isabelle has always simplified organization to improve performance, and as a project manager, she has focused on generating synergies. Today, this allows her to support companies in order to make the most of their human and technological resources & external services. She also promotes and implement collective intelligence approaches in order to generate efficiency (design thinking…).


Agile Coach

Reda is an expert of the agile approach and has been a dedicated practitioner of Framework Scrum for over 5 years. He has learnt agile methods first as a Scrum Master, then a Product Owner and is today an Agile Coach. A natural communicator he has dedicated his practice to enabling communication between teams. Since he started his career as a developer, he is at ease working with both the technical teams and the functional ones. Since he has become a coach, he has supported very different teams towards mastering the arcanes of Agility and Product Management.


Agile Coach

Armelle Kraffmüller: personal development to support professional growth.

After having been a marketing & communication manager for 15 years in the new technology sector, Armelle decided to align her values with her career and the topics she was passionate about. She has trained in NLP (neuro-linguistic programming), Ericksonian Hypnosis and coaching.

Nowadays she supports professionals in understanding the personal obstacles to their professional development: stress, anxiety, work/life balance issues communication & interpersonal relations…

In her practice in Rueil-Malmaison. she receives young adults to help them prepare for key moments in their school life and adults during professional transition times, for instance.


Graphic Facilitator

When I was young, I liked to summarize. Understand and clarify.
25 years later, I found an interest in drawing. See.
Now I’m a graphic facilitator. Reflect and bring out.


Consultante en Business Development & Marketing

Céline has more than 20 years of experience in Business development & Marketing B2B2C within house ware (furniture, sanitary, floor covering…) and building sector companies. Project Managment is the guiding thread of her profesionnal experience as a product manager/ range manager for Kohler Europe (Jacob Delafon), or as a Market Manager for France/Spain/Benelux by Villeroy & Boch and as well as a Marketing Director South Europe/Africa by Interface.
She has a great expertise of the home Decoration World and interior Design and also of Workplace and Hospitality sectors and of their challenges and constraints.
As a 5 years Consultant with leading companies in the building sector, in the Design environment and also in flooring and wall covering businesses, Céline intervenes on concrete sales development & marketing issues.
She also trains sales forces team on dedicated topics, keys for these markets such as: acoustic, colors, light …

A graduated of the ESSEC, of Plymouth University -BA international Business and of ICADE MADRID – Marketing & Advertising specialization, Céline has a great flexibility and ability to analyze and adapt to various environments. She also has expertise in transversal, multidisciplinary project Management and can work in 4 languages: French, English, Spanish and German.

Xavier GUY

Crisis & Risk Management mentor

A specialist of Lean & profit management as well as an expert in Labor Law, Xavier’s approach relies first and foremost on giving autonomy to people and teams. He helps building managers’ assertiveness, so they become true leaders.
With high communication skills, explains and simplifies process, shares his vision and strategy. A “doer” above all, he is a huge fan of experimenting and the agile method. Hands-on he has created and implemented robust continuous improvement programs which factor in the specificities of companies’ culture & history.
He has started his career in the industry (automotive, air & space, chemical products or electronics) and then the logistics/ 3PL sector. He has been for over 20 years a site general manager, specialized in turn-around to generate cash.
He is also AC Mentoring’s poet & fabulist.

Margaux Borel



The human element and the customer and employee experience have always been at the heart of my concerns. From my years in the hotel and restaurant business at the top of the ski slopes, to coaching young entrepreneurs or managers in large French or international groups, I have learned that there is no better experience than to feel a deep alignment between who we are and what we do. In parallel to my studies in a major business school, a Specialized Master’s Degree in Entrepreneurship and several experiences as an entrepreneur’s right-hand man and consultant, I discovered new forms of inspiring and benevolent organizations that allow us to live this alignment every day. This is how joining the collective in 2021 became an obvious choice for me. Today I coach teams and individuals to define, implement and evolve their organisations to find their alignment and reveal their potential. Every day I learn and share on exciting topics such as organisation, management, leadership and governance.

My favorite quote:
“Do the best you can until you know better, then when you know better, you do better”

#Empowerment #Inspiration #Innovation


Professional coach


My favorite quote:

“There is nothing constant except change.”


This brings me back to my professional experience which illustrates the various changes: reorganisation, change of position, redundancy, change of company, management, change of status… I have learnt that change is constant, that it is found in all living systems (plants, humans, organisations), and that it is important to understand it well throughout one’s life in order to turn it into an opportunity for progression and growth towards self-development.
More concretely, I first worked for more than 25 years in two large banking groups in start-up type subsidiaries in communication and marketing functions before reorienting my career towards professional coaching. Today, I prepare transitions and accompany individuals to the next professional step. That is to say, those rather delicate passages from a current situation to a desired situation in which it is necessary to analyse, rethink things, adapt, do things differently… I’m action-oriented, which is what leads to change. And I rely on the talents and resources of people to develop mobilisation.
It was natural for me to join AC Mentoring at the beginning of 2022, where I found the values of individual commitment at the service of the group.

#evolution #learning #creativity

Guillaume JEASON

Coach, mentor


During my professional career as a lawyer, I have always been careful to stretch the horizon of my commitments. To better serve these commitments, I have been led to enrich my practice by broadening my skills, in particular with the International School of Alternative Dispute Resolution (EIMA in 2021), the French Association of Collaborative Law Practitioners (initial training of the AFPDC in 2020) and the Institut de la Parole (2016). This commitment has also led me to join other bodies, such as the association Droit et Commerce and the Legal Commission of the French Institute of Directors. I have the satisfaction of being associated with numerous projects relating to the future of the economic world and to questions of corporate governance, from the point of view of the responsibility of directors. These are all subjects that have been significantly affected by the growing importance of social and environmental issues, which are now mobilising more and more players. It is to the pursuit of these commitments that I owe the opportunity to meet the AC Mentoring collective. A collective with which I have the joy of sharing a great deal and within which I intervene as part of my “accessory activities”, with the aim of contributing in a different way.

Among the many quotes that inspire me, I remember this wise and clear aphorism of Ghandi, which sounds like a responsible invitation to those who act:
“The future depends on what we do in the present”.

#Systemic #Empuissancement #Cooperation


Accompanist of change


Graduated from KEDGE Business School and Mines Paristech in international environmental management, I have always been passionate about people and systems. This is what led me to study and work on several continents, for companies of various sizes and sectors, while living with local people. I came out of those experiences convinced that the development of individuals is an important key of success for today’s organisations.
I trained in cooperation tools, NVC and collective intelligence. But beyond the tools, it is the posture that interests me. The one that creates safety to allow the reveal of people’s potential. This is what fascinates me in accompanying organisations toward Teal system. What drives me is the dream of aligned and empowered people who self-organise to support a common goal while feeling fulfilled. I live this dream in my daily life like through the cooperative supermarket I’m involved, as well as in my work by evolving within several collectives on this path, including AC Mentoring and Open Opale.

My favorite quote:
“Grace means that all of your mistakes now serve a purpose instead of serving shame”
Brené Brown

#Systemic #Empuissancement #Cooperation

Véronique CORDIER

Mediator, trainer and consultant


Relationships are the common thread in my career. The encounters and links forged with those around me have always been a determining factor in my professional choices. I owe it to them in particular to have joined the AC Mentoring team.
For more than 20 years, I have explored the legal aspect of the employment relationship and conflict as a lawyer in labour law and civil litigation. In many cases, I noticed that, far from resolving the situation, the appeal to the rule of law and to the decision of a third party crystallized the tensions in the adversity and the balance of power.
Trained since 2018 in professional mediation and relational engineering, I have learned to anticipate and resolve conflicts in a different way, by promoting the quality of relationships and the establishment of bonds of trust. Since then, I have continued to deepen my knowledge and to acquire new tools for understanding.
Today, I dedicate myself entirely to the development of serene relationships.
I help people to free themselves from conflict situations and to prevent tensions by learning how to create support and limit opposition.
In my work, I am driven by the conviction that it is always possible to improve relationships through a great resource: imagination.

My favorite quote:
“Life is nothing but the hyphen of the word maybe”.
Mohamed Mbougar Sarr

#Trust #Compassion #Relaxation

Victoria GERMAIN

Communication & Community Manager


Graduated from a master’s degree in digital marketing from EFAP Paris, I put on my freelance web editor & community manager hat just after throwing my student hat in the air. A change of life that is as rapid as it is radical, just as dizzying as it is fulfilling. I had been working freelance for 1 year when Cyril Ogée asked me to join the AC Mentoring adventure. To my great joy, everything remains to be written… Or rather to rewrite!

This is how since April 2019, I have been working in close collaboration with Franck and Cyril on the development of the communication strategy of AC Mentoring: redesign of the graphic charter, the website, creation of a podcast, etc … week , I do my best to create tailor-made Linkedin posts, and if they don’t contain magic, you will find: a good listener, a hint of trend and a few drops of creativity. I reassure you, no member of the collective needed to fall into my pot to feel the benefits! The benevolent collaboration that I maintain with AC Mentoring is enough to nourish this communication strategy which continues to grow.

My favorite quote:
“Writing is speech and silence at the same time. ”
Denis Gagnon.

#Benevolence #SocialNetworks #CatLover


Katarzyna DUSZCZYK

Recruitment Consultant

Katarzyna joined as a Research Consultant in december 2017 and became a Recruitment in less than 2 years. Recently she graduated in Business Psychology, which helps her in her daily challenges. Her main responsibility is to identify and contact the best individuals for specialist and managerial positions. What is more, she is the main caretaker of Assertive Career Mentoring Poland’s communication and she acts as a guardian of our company values!

Agnieska MAZUR

Mentor & Mental Coach
Agnieszka acquired her business experience by managing international quality or R&D departments for an FMCG industrial company. She then took on some strategy designing responsibilities and also became an internal coach for her company. While managing projects or teams, she has always introduced innovative ways of training, new organisation models and management styles. Besides being a certified coach, she has studied to become a moderator of Design Thinking and an Agile Scrum Master.
Today as a mentor and mental coach, she is helping both individuals and teams to perform by unleashing their creativity & passion and revealing their full potential.

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