Is it unclear who said this: Peter Drucker, Lord Kelvin, William Thomson or even maybe Master Yoda? Yearly appraisal, even when you have a nice generic questionnaire provided by HR, does not help enough to follow your people when you are a manager. Even if you do them twice a year. How do you compare two of your direct reports? How do you define what your collaborators need to work on and how they should develop themselves to better support your strategy and meet their goals?
I wanted to title this post: ‘why it is a (very) bad idea to accept your company’s counter-offer…’
I finally decided to try writing without prejudices a paper on people who hand out their resignation to their employers after having accepted to join another and are suddenly facing a refusal as they managers come to them with an attractive promotion.
What should they do? And why?
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It was not your fault. It came as a shock. It is somewhat a betrayal… One day you were working in your company, had been for quite some time in fact; and the next you are out.
When companies ‘kick people out’, the employees who are the victims of these moves often suffer from a storm of feelings… and must keep these to themselves during interviews.
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