I feel didn’t get much from the management trainings I have received. It’s nice that my company is trying to support me, but “Leadership 101” or “A Good Manager Is A Good Coach”, while treating key subjects, could not really help me in my daily activities, facing my very specific collaborators. What to do then?
I’m often asked if there is a special approach of recommendations and skills endorsements on Linkedin and how these may differ from the references you need to prepare when taking part in a selection process.
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Today, most managers accept the idea that it is their duty to develop their collaborators. This means, among others:
– spotting High Potentials and help them designing a path to reach their optimum,
– pushing the ‘Good-In-Job’ so they deliver at peak level and training them so they can take on more responsibilities,
– giving the ‘Overqualified’ some tutoring and training duties, making them represent their unit in cross-departments projects: finding for them ways to still progress, while they wait for the next opportunity at the right level.
In real life, though, very few manage to do so.
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This year has not started easy for me. Lots of work, tough work/life balance, health issues all around…
I have spent most of the time focusing on giving the best answer I could to what was happening and I must confess I somewhat lost sight of the big picture. I was not even really conscious that I had been working on auto-pilot.
If you read my blog, you have probably been able to guess something was going on as I did not issue a single post since my New Year’s wishes…
When you do your best, dealing with daily issues, your best soon turns out to be not enough, though! And this can’t be accepted.
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Dear all,
I would like to wish you a very good year 2015!
It is my hope that this new year will see many of us DO things and become in some way entrepreneurs.
I don’t particularly mean it in the business sense. I just wish we would all take things in our hands, to various degrees, and become actors of our lives, not passive by-standers.
I wish we would now try to make our time matter. Time passes fast and I, like too many of us, often find I have nothing to show, having wasted precious hours and days looking for opportunities, getting prepared, waiting to begin but not quite daring to ACT.
We can’t expect things to come to us, whether at work, in our social environment or in personal life. We have to go and get them.
As I have done over the last few years, I will try to support you in making your projects come true, whether changing jobs, finding back one, or becoming a better manager.
Later on in January my first book: La Quête, will be released in French on this blog as a pay-as-you-want e-book. The English & updated version will then be issued in May. Both aim to help you find new career opportunities, whether you already have a job or are unemployed.
In the last quarter of 2015 I will also publish a handbook of management, based on my last years of mentoring experience.
In 2015, I will do things.
What about you?
I first titled this post ‘Is it possible to keep the talents in your company?’
But there is no real point there:
- They will ultimately leave anyway.
- It is not good to want them to stay with you forever.
So what? Should we even bother and care? Of course we should, with a lucid and realistic mind.
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I very often ask during interviews: “If you had the chance to decide of it, what would you be doing in 5 years from now?” Or something very similar aimed at the not-so-near future.
It’s not because I lack imagination and I so much love classic ‘naïve’ interview questions.
I’m not asking you to predict the future. And I certainly won’t seek you out 5 years from now to see whether you followed your plan.
But your answer will tell me a lot about you.
I can’t think of many things as useless as to-do lists.
That’s it. I’ve said it. Don’t shoot me just now, hang on a little longer.
Honestly, what is their point?
The classic to-do list of the managers I’m supporting is a never-ending, un-readable, depressing document, that they don’t much refer to except at the beginning and/or the end of the day. It does not guide them, it does not set priorities, it barely mentions what the deliverables really are…
You must use your time better? So you should do better than writing a to-do list.
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Most of the people I meet in my Career Advice activities (recruitment, assessment and outplacement) are somehow flying blind…
This is always very surprising. The generic impression I get 9 times out of 10 after my first meeting is that managers are mostly clueless about what they:
– bring/offer to their employer,
– have to do in order to change jobs/get a new one.
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